Activities and Tasks

Activity​ A1
Task No.​ Task Assignment​ Start date​ Date of the conclusion​
1.1 Deepening the state of the art 01/2019  06/2019 
1.2 Use case / study specification 01/2019  06/2019 
1.3 Deepening of technologies 01/2019  06/2019 
1.4 Analysis and definition of system requirements 02/2019  06/2019 
Activity A2
Task No.​ Task Assignment​ Start date​ Date of the conclusion​
2.1 System architecture definition 04/2019 09/2019
2.2 Technical specifications of components 06/2019  09/2019
2.3 Specification of Communication Protocols and Security and Privacy Mechanisms 06/2019  09/2019
2.4 Specification of the classification, forecasting and knowledge extraction models 06/2019  09/2019
Activity A3
Task No. Task Assignment​ Start date​ Date of the conclusion
3.1 Development of the base framework and the collection component 07/2019  06/2021
3.2 Development of processing components 04/2020  06/2021
3.3 Development of information and alert availability components 04/2020  06/2021
3.4 Integration, testing and validation of components in the laboratory 12/2020  06/2021
Activity A4
Task No.​ Task Assignment Start date​ Date of the conclusion​
4.1 Collection and analysis of sleep data 10/2019  06/2021 
4.2 Time series analysis to predict sleepiness states 01/2020 06/2021 
4.3 Construction of machine learning models for detecting pathology and assessing sleep quality 01/2020 06/2021 
4.4 Design and development of the algorithm for classifying individuals in relation to circadian rhythm 01/2020 06/2021 
4.5 Validation of prediction and detection models 04/2020  06/2021 
Activity A5
Task No.​ Task Assignment​ Start date​ Date of the conclusion​
5.1 Prototype design 04/2021  08/2021 
5.2 Prototype development and construction  06/2021  12/2021 
5.3 Prototype validation 09/2021  12/2021 
Activity A6
Task No. Task Assignment​ Start date​ Date of the conclusion​
6.1 Deepening / Updating the Dissemination Plan 10/2019  12/2021 
6.2 Development of promotional material 10/2019  12/2021 
6.3 Development and maintenance of the project website 10/2019  12/2021 
6.4 Promotion and publication of scientific and technological results 10/2019  12/2021 
Activity A7
Task No. Task Assignment​ Start date​ Date of the conclusion​
7.1 Project management and technical coordination 01/2019  12/2021